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Dailymile is a great way to have fun and social with a fitness tracker. More than 1 million inspiring athletes use dailymile to achieve their fitness goals and stay motivated.

It is super easy to share photos, track your runs and rides using GPS, and build routines of strength workouts.

Use the Dailymile GPS tracker for runs and rides, build a routine for a strength workout, or complete a yoga or crossfit workout.

Dailymile has a database of 500+ exercises, which ensures you will find the right one for you.

Connect your Dailymile App Qure4u and the data will automatically be synced to your Qure4u profile.

Learn how to connect the app to your Qure4u profile in "Set up"
Connect the iHealth MyVitals app with your Qure4u Profile and you get all your measurements transferred automatically to your Qure4u Health Graphs.

Click here to connect Dailymile with your Qure4u Profile.

You will see a list of Apps, one of them is Dailymile. Select it and a page will open asking you to enter your username and password for Dailymile and give permission to connect Dailymile with Qure4u.

Once you've given permission, all your information from the App will automatically upload to your Qure4u profile.

On your health graphs you can get a complete view of your health, and what your data actually tells you about your health.

Click here to go to your Health Graphs.

Get the app for IOS